Vehicle 1972 Dodge Phoenix DG Light Blue Metallic 3 Speed Automatic Hardtop
Body Colour Light Blue Metallic
Doors 4
Seats 5
Cylinders 8
Fuel Type Petrol
Gears 3 Speed
Gearbox Automatic
Transmission Automatic
Odometer 25,820 kms
Drive Type RWD
StockNo U16659
VIN DG6P43B117

Dealer Summary

Comments from the Dealer

* Just arrived - Pics and more info coming soon
* 1971 DG Dodge Pheonix 400 ( Not 1972 )
* Four door pillarless hardtop
* Build number 88 of only 400 made
* Factory 383 cubic inch big block
* Factory six seater and automatic
* A very original, honest, and rare car
* Trade ins considered

* Just arrived - Pics and more info coming soon
* 1971 DG Dodge Pheonix 400 ( Not 1972 )
* Four door pillarless hardtop
* Build number 88 of only 400 made
* Factory 383 cubic inch big block
* Factory six seater and automatic
* A very original, honest, and rare car
* Trade ins considered

Motor Vehicle Warehouse

43 Robinson Road East, Virginia QLD 4014

(07) 3865 5995

Dealer Licence No. 3904707

ABN: 31603641443